
"luckymothers is about creating accessible, coded art, concentrating on colour, pattern, texture & shape".

Beaumaris Pier Photo. Me & two dogs.

I come from an art school background (fine art & ceramics), possess a Masters in Software Development and create coded & generative art with a strong focus on colour, pattern, texture & shape, utilising the unforeseen and often unanticipated randomness that code can generate.

My work is an amalgamation of my art school/coding training and interest in colour, texture, light & pattern using creative coding as the medium.

Away from this are our 2 fantastic dogs (Jess & Milo), a miraculous blind black cat (Little Richard), oh and for sanity I run marathons & distance.

I work in code - currently JavaScript (SvJs) in VS Code, no other software. The original images are created in SVG format (Vector Graphics) so are scalable without loss of resolution or quality (no pixels). For printing they are converted to PNG at a high PPI (15000 if possible) to achieve an industry standard print of 300+ DPI (allowing prints of up to A0 size (1189 x 841mm - though this may not possible with all prints), I don’t like to print if below 300 DPI so some prints are smaller in size.

I don’t use Photoshop, Illustrator or any other graphic application or any form of AI, just code (I use a Chrome extension for the SVG to PNG conversion).

All works displayed on the website are created by luckymothers.

“I proceed by trial and error.” - Bridget Riley

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